It’s Time to Get Rid of the Bottlenecks with Automation

bottlenecks in your business processes

A company’s process might seem as if it will never end and keep on going while spending very little time on what’s actually going wrong. Your customers might be frustrated, may have long waiting times or new vendor management is being done in the wrong way that it is not attracting potential partners.

As organizations are always run by people, they do tend to develop a habit over time and build a comfort zone around it. Moving from a paper-based office to a digital one could seem like a far cry for the previous generation. Even those who are considered millennials are used to computers and the concept of cloud computing, automation, and mobile-based office management might sound new to them.

It’s high time for you to give due importance to bottlenecks in your company’s processes and find ways to get rid of them. A smart workflow automation software can do it for you and all you have to do is take the first step to find what’s wrong before going through possible solutions.

What is a Bottleneck?

The term Bottleneck literally refers to the small neck in a bottle and how it acts as a deterrent for the liquid from going inside or coming out of the bottle.

In an organizational environment, the liquid is a metaphor for the number of processes carried out on a daily basis.

A small bottleneck could cause lots of slowdowns and it could be in the form of paper-based document management, a manager’s approval, or a lack of communication between team members that delays a process from being moved to the next stage.

A bottleneck can also be described as a point when new information or tasks are being assigned while the previously assigned ones are still pending, or yet to be cleared. It leads to a congested situation where employees may feel extremely stressed leading to poor quality of work and massive customer dissatisfaction.

Here are The Two Major Types of Bottlenecks.

Long-term bottlenecks in the process

The most commonly found issue is a long-term bottleneck that continues to happen in an organization for years and has not been attended to. The delays often happen in monthly payroll processing, financial auditing, organizing paper documents, or improper leave management of employees.

Short-term bottlenecks in an organization

A short-term processing bottleneck is something that happens unexpectedly due to improper planning and lack of automation. It could be anything related to missing files, an improper workflow for daily tasks, or a lack of proper knowledge about a project when an authorized person goes on leave suddenly.

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Identify Your Bottlenecks and Create Viable Solutions

Step 1 – Create a map for every process in your organization and mark their duration. If they take longer than expected, there is obviously a bottleneck
Step 2 – Consult with your employees to understand the kind of difficulties they face and note them down

Step 3 – List out all possible processes that can be automated using a workflow software like Cflow

Step 4 – Analyze your competitors and understand the process workflow that they follow to successfully cope up with customer requirements

Viable Solutions to Fix Bottlenecks

Start out as a team and work with the members to find viable solutions to get rid of those bottlenecks. Many of them will often point to improper communication between teams and use real paper which is a major cause of slowdowns. Moving the entire operations to a bpm software should make it much easier.

A BPM Software Tool is a great solution for every type of organization and will instantly fix most of the problems including employee onboarding, vendor management, leave approval, project management, and managing documents. It makes it easier for all your processes including finance workflow and HR workflows. Eventually, you can focus on the core teams to help them get projects done quickly and products or services delivered in time using office automation solutions.

Cflow – A Cloud BPM to Overcome Bottlenecks Efficiently

Cflow is an all-in-one small business solution that is a cloud BPM workflow software, bundled into a single convenient package.

When you implement the workflow engine into your processes, it can easily overcome all types of bottlenecks while promoting better process management by allowing employees to easily access files from the cloud and improve transparency by keeping everyone in the team aware of the project’s progress.

Try automating different processes in your office. Get started for free.

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