Custom Inbox.

The inbox is where all your workflow details are shared and with the ability to customize it the way you need it to be, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with all the notifications. 

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custom inbox

Supercharge your process flows with Cflow

Cflow has been designed from the ground up to be a fully customizable platform so that every department in an organization stay in the loop. The inbox provides the information managers, team leaders and decision makers need to know before making an informed decision.

Right from approving a pending invoice to onboarding new joinees and approving leave requests, a deciding authority may have to come across various notifications on a daily basis. When you are in such a position, you will get only what matters the most. The latest pending documents and approvals that need your attention are shown on top but the custom inbox lets you show all pending approvals based on date, week or month. You can also sort it based on workflow and the team it belongs to ensuring every process goes through your inbox without delay.

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